ひらがなネット > みんなで散歩 110回「イルミネーション散歩|東京タワーから六本木を歩く」

イルミネーション散歩(さんぽ)東京(とうきょう)タワーから六本木(ろっぽんぎ)(ある)Illumination Walk from Tokyo Tower to Roppongi

日時:2016.12.17(土)(どようび) 15:30〜18:30



This month is our popular annual walk around the city illuminated by Christmas lights. This year we will walk from Tokyo Tower to Roppongi Hills. The scenery completely changes at night. Let’s enjoy the dream-like scenery that only occurs during this season!

* As we will be walking in the evening, be sure to wear shoes that are easy to walk in and warm clothes.

(Reservation has been closed)

あるくコース((やく)4.5km)(Walking Course)

  • NHK放送(ほうそう)博物館(はくぶつかん)
    NHK Museum of Broadcasting

    1956(ねん)開館(かいかん)した、世界(せかい)最初(さいしょ)放送(ほうそう)専門(せんもん)のミュ一ジアムです。 アナウンサー体験(たいけん)ができたり、NHKアナウンサーの歴史(れきし)をたどる企画展(きかくてん)(おこな)われています。
    The first broadcasting museum in the world. It opened in 1956. You can experience being an announcer, as well as see exhibitions about the history of NHK's announcer.
  • 東京(とうきょう)タワー
    Tokyo Tower

    今年(ことし)東京(とうきょう)タワーの真下(ました)に、直径(ちょっけい)(やく)6m、(たか)(やく)5.5mの国内(こくない)最大級(さいだいきゅう)“スノードーム”が出現(しゅつげん)します。 ドームの(なか)には『ONEPIECE』の主役(しゅやく)たちやクリスマスツリーが設置(せっち)されています。
    This year, there is a Snow Dome directly below Tokyo Tower that is 6m in diameter and 5.5m tall. Inside the dome are the main characters from the anime “One Piece” and a Christmas tree.
  • 麻布十番(あざぶじゅうばん)商店街(しょうてんがい)
    Azabu-Juban Shopping Street

    高級(こうきゅう)住宅街(じゅうたくがい)(おお)麻布(あざぶ)にあって、下町(したまち)風情(ふぜい)(のこ)商店街(しょうてんがい)です。 六本木(ろっぽんぎ)ヒルズの(ちか)くにありながら、大規模(だいきぼ)なビルなどは(すく)なく庶民的(しょみんてき)雰囲気(ふんいき)人気(にんき)があります。
    Azabu-Juban is a high-class suburb, but this shopping street has the spirit of Old Tokyo. Although it's near Roppongi Hills there are no large buildings so the street has a working-class atmosphere.
  • 六本木(ろっぽんぎ)けやき(ざか)(どお)
    Roppongi Keyakizaka Street

    (ふゆ)風物詩(ふうぶつし)となったけやき(ざか)のイルミネーション。 白色(はくしょく)青色(あおいろ)の“SNOW&BLUE”と、琥珀色(こはくいろ)とキャンドル(しょく)の“CANDLE&AMBER”、2種類(しゅるい)のイルミネーションを(たの)しめます。
    The Christmas lights on Keyakizaka are a reminder of winter. There are two types of lights – “SNOW & BLUE” and “CANDLE & AMBER”.
  • 六本木(ろっぽんぎ)ヒルズ→六本木(ろっぽんぎ)(えき)
    Roppongi Hills → Roppongi Station

    The scenery of the mall is something you can only see during this season, including the 10m Christmas tree and the lights in Mori Garden.
  • 参加費(さんかひ|Participation fee)


    Adults 1,500 yen, Students1,300 yen, Children 750 yen
  • 日時(にちじ|Date)

    2016.12.17(土)(どようび) 15:30〜18:30
    Saturday, December 17, 2016, 3:30PM-6:30PM
  • 集合時間(しゅうごうじかん|Meeting time)

  • 集合場所(しゅうごうばしょ|Meeting place)

    Kamiyacho Station on the Hibiya Subway Line. Meet at the ticket gate used for Exit 3.
  • 募集人数(ぼしゅうにんずう | The number to be accepted)

  • 申し込み受付(もうしこみうけつけ | Reservation Deadline)

    Reserve your spot by December 16th
(Reservation has been closed)
  • その他(そのた | Other)


    ●The participation fee includes consumption tax and insurance.
    ●This tour has a limit of 30 participants, so please reserve your spot ASAP.
    ●Both foreign residents and Japanese people (can) participate in this walk.
    (There are times when no foreign residents or no Japanese people participate.)
    ●The tour will take place even if it rains. In the case of severe weather conditions (heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoon etc.) the tour will be canceled.
    ●Please wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
  • 主催(しゅさい|Organizer)
