ひらがなネット > みんなで散歩(さんぽ)112「エドと、新宿(しんじゅく)から大久保(おおくぼ)(ある)く」

みんなで散歩(さんぽ)112「エドと、新宿(しんじゅく)から大久保(おおくぼ)(ある)く」Walking with Everyone 112 "Walking with Shimizu Edd from Shinjuku to Shin Okubo"

日時:2017.2.26(日)(にちようび) 10:30〜13:30


Out of all of Tokyo’s 23 wards, Shinjuku Ward has the highest number of foreign residents. Our tour will start at Shinjuku West Exit, and will end in Shin Okubo. We will go with our new staff member Chuanchuen Shimizu (a.k.a Edd), who is from Thailand, to a grocery store that has ingredients from Thailand. We will eat lunch at a Thai restaurant and then head to Islam Lane. This street really seems like a foreign country! By going through “Omoide Yokocho”, an area is reminiscent of Japan’s Showa era, a Thai grocery store and a Muslim area, our tour this time feels like a trip through Little Asia!

(Reservation has been closed)

あるくコース((やく)3.0km)(Walking Course)

  • 新宿駅(しんじゅくえき)(おも)()横丁(よこちょう)
    Shinjuku Station → Omoide Yokocho

    昭和(しょうわ)30(ねん)(1955(ねん))ごろには(やく)300(けん)(みせ)がありました。 新宿駅(しんじゅくえき)開発(かいはつ)で、現在(げんざい)は81(けん)になりました。 昭和(しょうわ)(おも)()させる路地(ろじ)に、最近(さいきん)外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)()ています。
    In 1955, there were around 300 bars and restaurants in this area. Shinjuku station has expanded since then, so the current total is now 81. These alleyways are reminiscent of Japan’s Showa Era and are popular with foreign tourists.
  • TOHOシネマズ

    (もと)新宿(しんじゅく)コマ(こま)劇場(げきじょう)場所(ばしょ)です。 都内(とない)でもっとも(おお)きい映画館(えいがかん)で、ビルの8(かい)にゴジラが(かお)()しています。 新宿(しんじゅく)新名所(しんめいしょ)です。
    Originally, the Shinjuku Koma Theater was here. It is now the largest movie theater in Tokyo, and Godzilla’s face is peeking out from the 8th floor. The TOHO Cinemas building is a new hot spot in Shinjuku.
  • アジアスーパーストア
    Asia Superstore

    日本(にっぽん)最大級(さいだいきゅう)のタイ専門(せんもん)のスーパーです。 エドが商品(しょうひん)説明(せつめい)やめずらしい商品(しょうひん)などを(おし)えます。
    This is the largest Thai supermarket in Japan. Edd will teach us about the products and point out rare ones as well.
  • クンメー 1
    Thai Restaurant

    新大久保(しんおおくぼ)一番(いちばん)(ふる)くからあるタイ料理店(りょうりてん)で、(ひる)ごはんを()べます。 みんなで(たの)しく(はな)しましょう。 (昼食代(ちゅうしょくだい)参加費(さんかひ)(ふく)まれません。各自(かくじ)支払(しはら)いください)
    We will eat lunch at the oldest Thai restaurant in Shin-Okubo. Enjoy talking with everyone!
  • イスラム横丁(よこちょう)
    Islam Lane

    Within a radius of just 30 meters are many Halal shops. They also sell spices that are hard to find in Japan.
  • 皆中(かいちゅう)稲荷(いなり)神社(じんじゃ)新大久保(しんおおくぼ)(えき)
    Kaichu Inari Shrine →Shin Okubo Station

    The Chinese characters for “Kaichu” can also be read as “Everybody Wins”, so it is said that you will win the lottery if you visit this shrine. It’s known as a “power spot” in Japan.
  • 参加費(さんかひ|Participation fee)


    Adults 1,500 yen, Students1,300 yen, Children 750 yen .
    *Please pay for your own Lunch.

  • 日時(にちじ|Date)

    2017.2.26(日)(にちようび) 10:30〜13:30
    Sunday, February 26, 2017, 10:30AM-1:30PM
  • 集合時間(しゅうごうじかん|Meeting time)

  • 集合場所(しゅうごうばしょ|Meeting place)

    JR Shinjuku Station West Exit (Above Ground – Odakyu Department Store Central Exit)
  • 募集人数(ぼしゅうにんずう | The number to be accepted)

  • 申し込み受付(もうしこみうけつけ | Reservation Deadline)

    Reserve your spot by February 25th
(Reservation has been closed)
  • その他(そのた | Other)


    ●The participation fee includes consumption tax and insurance.
    ●This tour has a limit of 30 participants, so please reserve your spot ASAP.
    ●Both foreign residents and Japanese people (can) participate in this walk.
    (There are times when no foreign residents or no Japanese people participate.)
    ●The tour will take place even if it rains. In the case of severe weather conditions (heavy rain, heavy snow, typhoon etc.) the tour will be canceled.
    ●Please wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
  • 主催(しゅさい|Organizer)

    Hiragana Net Inc.